quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2013


Mais um dia a minar! :)

Another day mining! :)


Acabei de encontrar a Hydra..! Vamos ver se a mato! :)

Just found Hydra..! Let´s see if I can kill her! :)


O meu amigo/ My friend

Boas Pessoal! Neste blog vou falar sobre FTB (FeedTheBeast). Vou falar sobre a minha experiência no FTB, o survival que vou começar , falar sobre servers onde jogo e curiosidades.
Se tiverem sugestões por favor digam e se estiver a dizer alguma coisa mal por favor corrijam.
Espero que gostem! :)

Hey Guys! On this blog i am going to talk about FTB(FeedTheBeast). I am going to talk about my experience in FTB, i am going to start a new survival wich i am going to talk about in this blog, i am going to talk about servers i play and some curiosities.
If you have any suggestions please tell me and if I am saying anything wrong please correct me.
I hope you guys like it! :)